In Germany it is clearly regulated who can become a sperm donor. The age of the donor is usually between 18 and 40 years. All sperm donors must be very fertile and physically and mentally healthy. In addition, the health status in the family of each potential donor is closely examined. If there are chronic or hereditary diseases in the family, such as epilepsy, heart defects, asthma, rheumatism or psychiatric illnesses, sperm donation is ruled out.
To reliably ensure the health of sperm donors, the following procedure is followed: After a potential donor has passed the initial health check, which includes screening for infectious diseases, their sperm samples are frozen in liquid nitrogen (cryopreservation) and stored in a sperm bank. After six months a new examination takes place. If the donor is still free of infection, the preserved sperm is released for fertility treatment.
The MVZ PAN Institute cooperates mainly with German sperm banks. These usually allow their customers to select donors based on hair and eye colour, height, weight, education level and blood type.