You would like to become a father and have decided to undergo fertility treatment? In fact, research shows that the causes of an unfulfilled desire to have children are shared equally by men and women (40% each). In one fifth of couples, both partners have findings that can make it difficult to get pregnant. Andrology, with its precise diagnostic and therapeutic options, is accordingly an important component of fertility treatment.
The sperm quality check takes place in our andrological laboratory. Here we look specifically for possible causes of the unfulfilled desire to have a child, clarify important questions in the context of the treatment and prepare for artificial insemination. Several rooms with a pleasant ambience are available for the delivery of the necessary sperm sample.
In particular, the spermiogram provides information about the number, shape and motility of the sperm. First, we examine the aspects that can be seen with the naked eye, macroscopically. These include, for example, the volume, consistency and pH value. This is followed by an examination under the microscope. Here we can see how mobile the individual sperm are, what shape they are and how many there are.
If necessary, we examine further parameters of the sperm within the context of immunological and bacteriological examinations and determine their physical, morphological, biochemical and histochemical properties. For special questions we use sperm function tests to determine, for example, how the sperm behave in the cervical mucus, how their binding behaviour is or how vital they are.
The extraction of sperm from the testicular tissue and the cryopreservation of sperm are also part of the tasks of andrology. The sperm processing required for this - just as with sperm use in treatment (IVF, ICSI, TESE, etc.) - is of course performed under cleanroom conditions.
In order to consistently ensure the high quality of our semen analyses, we constantly have them checked by external interlaboratory tests.